Josep Martines has a B.A. in English and Catalan Philology, an M.A. in Toponimy and a Ph.D. in Catalan Philology. He is currently a Professor at the University of Alicante. He is a founding member of ISIC-IVITRA, and a member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Secció Filològica) and the Valencian Academy of the Language. He works on Diachronic Semantics, Historical Lexicography, Diachronic Syntax, Toponimy, and Corpus Linguistics, among other areas. He is currently a member of several research projects within ISIC-IVITRA: Prometeo/2009/042, ISIC/2012/022 and PrometeoII/2014/018. He has been the PI for several MIMECO Projects: FFI2012-37105, FFI2009-13065; and is currently the PI for 1) Gramàtica del Català Modern (1601-1834) (Ref. FFI2015-69694-P (MINECO/FEDER); Gramàtica del català antic (in collaboration with Manuel Pérez-Saldanya, Universitat de València); Xarxa NEOXOC (with the Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona).