Joan Ferrer Costa is a licenciate in Theology, a B.A. in History and a Ph.D. in Semitic Philology (Hebrew and Aramaic) from the University of Barcelona. He is a Professor of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies at the University of Girona and a member of ISIC-IVITRA. He worked as a researcher in Catalan Philology under the supervision of Joan Coromines at the University of Chicago (1992-1997). He was Dean of the College of Arts at the University of Girona (2010-2014). He is a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona. His research interests include Hebrew Lexicography, Bible Translation, Aramaic Studies, Syriac, and Catalan Philology. Among his many books we could include Glossary of Nabataean Aramaic, with etymological and comparative notes (with Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala; 2017); Nahman de Bratslav, Contes cabalístics (with Jordi Sidera; 2017); Antic Testament interlineal hebreu-català. Tehil·lim. Salms (with E. Giralt; 2016); Diplomatic Edition of the Peshitta of the Book of Ben Sira according to Codex Ambrosianus, with translations in Spanish and English (with N. Calduch.Benages and J. Liesen; 2015); Flavi Josep: La guerra jueva. Vol. ii [Llibres ii-iii] (with J.A. Martí Gebellí; 2014); De la Sagrada Escriptura a les representacions (2013); Les traduccions de l’Apocalipsi del P. Guiu Camps (2013); El verb hebreu: conjugació i petit diccionari (2010); El yídish. Historia y gramática de una lengua judía (2008); La Bíblia: un món literari, una Presència misteriosa (2005); Esbozo de historia de la lengua aramea (2004); Apocalipsi siríaca de Baruc (2002); Diccionari etimològic i complementari de la llengua catalana. Vol X (Suplement i Índex) (J. Coromines) (Edición y Índice de los diez volúmenes de la obra por Joan Ferrer, Josep ferrer and Joan Pujadas) (2001); Set-cents anys de traduccions catalanes de la Bíblia (1992); El Targum d’Osees en tradició iemenita (1991), among many others.