Albert Rossich i Estragó holds a Law Degree, a Ph.D. in Catalan Philology and a B.A. in Information Sciences. He is a Professor at the University of Girona (previously at the Autonomous University of Barcelona). He was Director of the Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes at the University of Girona and is currently in charge of the research group “Llengua i literatura catalanes: història i identitat”. His works focuses on 19th- and 20th-c. Catalan literature, Bibliography, History of the Language and Literary Multilingualism; he also specializes in Baroque Catalan literature and has edited critically numerous 16th-18th-c literary texts. Among his many works, we could mention Una poètica del barroc: el “Parnàs Català” (1977), Poesia eròtica catalana del segle xvii (1985), El Barroc català (1989), El teatre català dels orígens al segle xviii (2001), Poesia catalana del barroc. Antologia (2006), Literatura catalana moderna (siglos xvi-xviii) (2011), and El plurilingüisme en la literatura catalana (2014). He has coordinated Panorama crític de la literatura catalana (6 vols., 2009-2011). He is a member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona, numerary member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, and founding member of ISIC-IVITRA.