Eulàlia Miralles holds a Ph.D. in Catalan Philoloy from the University of Barcelona. She is a Professor at the University of Valencia and has taught at the universities of Barcelona, Girona, Córdoba, Autònoma de Barcelona and Oberta de Catalaunya. She has been a Visiting Professor at the universities of Nottingham, Roma Tre, and Ca’Foscari (Venècia). She is a member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana, ISIC-IVITRA (University of Alicante), Institut de Llengua i Cultura Catalanes (University of Girona), Aula Carles Riba (University of Barcelona) and Grup de recerca Manuscrits (Autonomous University of Barcelona). She specializes in early modern literary culture, particularly in non-fictional prose. She has published over seventy articles and several monographs, critical editions and edited volumes. She coordinates the research group Corpus Textual de la Catalunya del Nord (Institut d’Estudis Catalans) and is the director of the journal Caplletra.