Mercè Lorente Casafont holds a Ph.D. in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona (1994). She is Associate Professor of Terminology and Linguistics at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and is Head of the IULATERM research group (Lexicon and Technology) since 2014. She has been a member of the Institute of Catalan Studies since 2016. She is Editor in chief of the journal Terminàlia. She was the director of the University Institute of Applied Linguistics (Pompeu Fabra, 2006-2013). Her research focuses on Applied linguistics, terminology, phraseology, lexicology, lexicography, syntax and lexical semantics, information retrieval and extraction. She has participated in and directed more than 30 research projects. She is the author of over 150 publications, has edited and coordinated numerous collaborative volumes, and has participated in several dictionaries.