Vicent Josep Escartí i Soriano (Algemesí, la Ribera, 1964) has a B.A. in Medieval History and a Ph.D. in Catalan Philology (Universitat de València). He is a Professor of Catalan Philology at the University of Valencia. He has been a Visiting Professor at the Università degli Studi di Verona. He is the author of over a hundred editions and studies of medieval and contemporary Valencian authors, among which we could mention Tirant lo Blanch (with A. Hauf), Història de València (by Beuter), Ausiàs March´s works, Diario (by J. V. Ortí), or the Llibre dels Feits (by Jaume I, in collaboration with A. Ferrando). He has participated in numerous research projects (within ISIC-IVITRA, Prometeo/2009/044, ISIC/2012/022 and PrometeoII/2014/018). His edition and study of Joaquim Aierdi´s works was awarded the “Premi Enric de Larratea” by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (1996) and the “Premi de la Crítica” by the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana (2001). He is the founder and director of the on-line journal Scripta (www.uv.es/SCRIPTA) and the director of Revista Valenciana de Filologia (new series). He is also a writer of fictional prose with titles such as Barroca mort (1987), Dies d’ira, Els cabells d’Absalom, Espècies perdudes, Nomdedéu, and L’abellerol mort (which have been awarded some of the most prestigious literary awards in Valencia). His Dies d'ira has been recently translated into English with the title Days of Wrath (Santa Barbara: Publications of eHumanista, 2013). He is a frequent collaborator in several newspapers such as Levante and Saó and is a corresponding member of the Institut Interuniversitari de Filologia Valenciana since 2005 and a corresponding member of the Reial Acadèmia de Bones Lletres de Barcelona since 2015.